Gender Study in Commercialization Activities of Liberica Coffee Farming on Peatlands in West Tanjung Jabung Regency
gender, commercialization, farming, liberica coffee, peatlandsAbstract
The objectives of the research are: (1) Describe the commercialization of liberica coffee farming and (2) Examine the role of gender in the commercialization of liberica coffee farming activities on peatlands in West Tanjung Jabung Regency. The research was conducted in Mekar Jaya Village, Batara District and in Bram Itam Raya Village, Bram Itam District. The research location was chosen purposively. The sampling method used simple random sampling with a sample of 86 households. The results of the research show that liberica coffee farming on peatlands is a transition from subsistence farming to commercial, not yet fully commercial, the orientation of production farming households is to serve the export market by producing premium liberica coffee or specialty liberica coffee. The role of gender in the commercialization of liberica coffee farming activities, the contribution of women is 35.41%, the contribution of men is 44.84% and the combined role of women and men is 24.25%. It is recommended that liberica coffee businesses serve all market segments, both local and domestic, not just focus on the export market. Increasing the commercialization of liberica coffee farming will open up employment opportunities for both male and female workers and can overcome unemployment. Another impact is a multiplier effect, it is hoped that there will be an increase in production, productivity and income.